About us
We are an interdisciplinary team trained in different areas of knowledge: languages, literature, international relations, education, translation, linguistics, ICT. Our team is flexible and dynamic to meet the emerging problems and demands in the field of languages.
General Coordinator: Lía Varela lvarela@untref.edu.ar
Research Coordinator and French for Academic Purposes: Víctor Montoya vmontoya@untref.edu.ar
Development Coordinator: Julia Bustos jbustos@untref.edu.ar
Innovation Coordinator and English for Academic Purposes: Ana Verdelli averdelli@untref.edu.ar
Technical Coordinator: Cecilia Galdabini
Coordinator of Spanish for Foreign Students: Silvia Luppino sluppino@untref.edu.ar
French Coordinator: Ana Saint Jean asaintjean@untref.edu.ar
Italian Coordinator: Cristian Valenzuela Issac cvissac@untref.edu.ar
Argentine Sign Language Coordinator: Gabriela Lima Chaparro glchaparro@untref.edu.ar
Interns: Vanina Dzioba and Milagros Tierno